Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bali Dog Rescue

My friend, Wendy Drake, is going to be embarking to Bali for a month long house exchange.  Her trip has a personal mission, to help support the Bali Dog Refuge.  While Wendy is busy collecting medical supplies and creating community dog-treat cooking parties, you can learn more about this refuge by clicking Bali Dog Refuge. 

A Bali Dog, Bali Dog Refuge
To learn more about Wendy and her personal mission, check out the group Facebook Page: Injured Ultra Runner Project: Help Bali Dogs.

I will be participating in a small group doggie treat cooking party later this week, update and pics to follow!

- Jen, Owner, The Healing Pet

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Aquamarine, the Birthstone of March

Aquamarine is a mineral of the Beryl family and is derived from the Latin meaning "water of the sea."  With its pale blue color, it certainly can remind one of water, of the sea, of a flowing stream, and connect one to a calm energy.  Additionally, it is a useful stone to use in meditation as it can help ease one into a feeling of inner peace. 

In ancient times, aquamarine was a talisman for sailors to help avoid drowning.  Furthermore, aquamarine has been known to be a stone of courage. 

Our aquamarine pet charms seem to be one of our most popular items, as the meaning for a pet is to help ease hyperactivity.  This pet charm has a sterling silver clasp and a nickel- and lead- free pewter bead in the center. 

For "human" jewelry, I like to design aquamarine with smoky quartz, playing on the popular baby blue-brown color combination.  Aquamarine can go with a number of different outfits, and can easily be dressed up or down.  I purchased a large supply of aquamarine this year at the Tucson Gem and mineral show, so expect to see many new items, for both pets and humans!

Yours in health, Jen