Monday, November 7, 2011

Stone of the Month, November: Moss Agate

Moss Agate and Sterling Silver Necklace and Bracelet. Created by: Anosia
Oftentimes, I find myself gravitating towards one kind of stone over others.  Last night I could not get enough of Moss Agate.  If it wasn't because of the late hour, I probably could have made 10 jewelry pieces of moss agate alone.  In the end, I made a simple moss agate and sterling silver necklace and matching bracelet.  Somehow, those pieces immediately ended up on me vs. putting them in the box for my upcoming show this weekend.  It got me thinking...what is so special about this simple, common green stone?  Is it the inner texture of the round beads, to where the green interlaces through milky white like moss (hence the name)? Is it because the green color can be worn with pretty much any outfit? 

Its more than the color and texture, although these qualities lend them to be unique.  Its the energy and the meaning behind moss agate.  When I am working with this stone, it makes me feel connected to Mother Earth, similar to that feeling of one who spends time gardening.  Since I live in an apartment, it is rare that I garden, digging my hands in the ground; feeling the cool, moist soil in my hands. I believe this feeling is important to reach in other ways, and last night, I found it with this stone.

Additionally, moss agate is associated with the 4th (heart) chakra, and is known to be a stone of love.  Sure, love is a good thing: we want to attract love in every aspect of our life (especially during these times), but there is something different with moss agate vs. other "love" stones like rose quartz.  This is a bit esoteric, but moss agate helps me feel connected to a universal source of love, a nurturing feeling that we are watched after and are all loved.  I felt my doubts and insecurities melt away after I put on the necklace.

There is some information* as well that moss agate attracts abundance.  Abundance can be money, but I like to believe that it is more than material things. It is feeling fulfilled in all aspects of life.  We can be abundant with good relationships, be it family, a partner and/or friends. It can be feeling fulfilled in the daily work that we do. Most importantly, it is feeling fulfilled with ourselves.

Moss agate: grounding, love, nurturing and abundance.  A cool stone if you ask me.  I think I will have a hard time selling these pieces!

Peace, Jen

*Source:  "The Crystal Bible" by Judy Hall

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